Points to Remember when Relaxing:
- Control the level of noise and illumination in the room
- Use a couch, bed or the ground. Feel comfortable and alert
- Try to go with the process. Just let it happen
- Stop if you feel very uncomfortable
- Aim to close your eyes eventually
- Don’t worry if your mind wanders or is distracted
- Move around freely in the chair if you need to
- Tense your muscles to their potential when instructed
- Loosen any tight clothes and remove your shoes
- Don’t practise when you are very tired
- Take the phone off the hook and ensure no distractions
- Do not use these MP3s while driving
Correct breathing is a central element of all relaxation. Shallow(from the chest) jerkey breathing iis associated with anxiety and tension. Even, slow breathing is associated with relaxation and a calm state of mind. To use breathing in a positive way, one must learn to do two things; to recognise your breathing is shallow and jerkey and to learn how to breath in a calming way. Once it is looked for, it is easy to recognise shallow breathing. It is rapid, the chest moves quite a bit; the shoulders tend to rise, one has to sigh or take deep breaths from time to time. You should make a habit of noticing your breathing in situations where you feel yourself becoming tense.
If you find your breathing is shallow you should:
- Relax your stomach muscles (it is impossible to breath properly if the stomach muscles are tense)
- Let out a long breath and when the lungs are empty let your breath come in of its own accord, allowing your stomach area to expand as you do so
- Remember, concentrate on your breathing out.Your body takes care of the breathing in and will take in all it needs
- Now concentrate on getting your breathing into an easy, relaxed rhythm. It helps to say repetitive phrases like “even and slow” or “calm and relaxed” to yourself as you do this, using these phrases to set a rhythm for your breathing. Do not try to force the breathing, but concentrate on the phrases and the breathing will follow
This exercise, or part of it, can be used to counteract anxiety in every-day situations, and to prepare yourself for anxiety-provoking situations